
Contact stress of the cylinder in the cylindrical socket

Contact stress of the cylinder in the cylindrical socket D 2 b D 1 F L
Contact stress of the cylinder in the cylindrical socket

Values for calculation

$ F $ $ \mathrm{N} $
$ L $ $ \mathrm{mm} $
$ D_1 $ $ \mathrm{mm} $
$ E_1 $ $ \mathrm{MPa} $
$ ν_1 $
$ HB_1 $ $ \mathrm{HB} $
$ S_{y-1} $ $ \mathrm{MPa} $
$ D_2 $ $ \mathrm{mm} $
$ E_2 $ $ \mathrm{MPa} $
$ ν_2 $
$ HB_2 $ $ \mathrm{HB} $
$ S_{y-2} $ $ \mathrm{MPa} $
$ C_c $
$ S_F $


Allowable Hertz pressure

$\text{if }\ \text{Hardened }$$\text{material }$$\text{1}= \text{yes}\wedge\text{Hardened }$$\text{material }$$\text{2}= \text{yes}$
$$σ_H=\min\left(\cfrac{4.2\cdot S_{y-1}}{S_F}\cdot C_c, \cfrac{4.2\cdot S_{y-2}}{S_F}\cdot C_c\right)$$
$\text{else if }\ \text{Hardened }$$\text{material }$$\text{1}= \text{yes}\wedge\text{Hardened }$$\text{material }$$\text{2}= \text{no}$
$$σ_H=\min\left(\cfrac{4.2\cdot S_{y-1}}{S_F}\cdot C_c, \cfrac{7\cdot HB_2}{S_F}\cdot C_c\right)$$
$\text{else if }\ \text{Hardened }$$\text{material }$$\text{1}= \text{no}\wedge\text{Hardened }$$\text{material }$$\text{2}= \text{no}$
$$σ_H=\min\left(\cfrac{7\cdot HB_1}{S_F}\cdot C_c, \cfrac{7\cdot HB_2}{S_F}\cdot C_c\right)$$
$$σ_H=\min\left(\cfrac{7\cdot HB_1}{S_F}\cdot C_c, \cfrac{4.2\cdot S_{y-2}}{S_F}\cdot C_c\right)$$

Material coefficient


Dimensional coefficient

$$K_D=\cfrac{D_1\cdot D_2}{D_1- D_2}$$

Load per unit length


Diameter of sphere contact area

$$b=1.6\cdot\sqrt{p\cdot K_D \cdot C_E}$$

Contact stress

$$σ_c=0.798\cdot\sqrt{\cfrac{p}{K_D\cdot C_E}}$$

$$σ_c\le σ_H$$