
Radial pin for shaft-hub connection

Radial pin for shaft-hub connection d D D h
Radial pin for shaft-hub connection

Values for calculation

$ M_T $ $ \mathrm{Nm} $
$ D $ $ \mathrm{mm} $
$ d $ $ \mathrm{mm} $
$ D_h $ $ \mathrm{mm} $
$ S_{y-shaft} $ $ \mathrm{MPa} $
$ S_{y-pin} $ $ \mathrm{MPa} $
$ S_{y-hub} $ $ \mathrm{MPa} $
$ C_c $
$ S_F $
$ M_B $ $ \mathrm{Nm} $
$ F_R $ $ \mathrm{kN} $
$ F_A $ $ \mathrm{kN} $


Allowable axial stress the shaft

$$σ_{all-A-shaft}=\cfrac{0.45 \cdot S_{y-shaft}}{S_F}\cdot C_c$$

Allowable bending stress the shaft

$$σ_{all-B-shaft}=\cfrac{0.6 \cdot S_{y-shaft}}{S_F}\cdot C_c$$

Allowable shear stress the shaft

$$τ_{all-S-shaft}=\cfrac{0.4 \cdot S_{y-shaft}}{S_F}\cdot C_c$$

Allowable bearing stress the shaft

$$P_{all-B-shaft}=\cfrac{0.9 \cdot S_{y-shaft}}{S_F}\cdot C_c$$

Allowable combined stress the shaft

$$σ_{all-C-shaft}=\cfrac{S_{y-shaft}}{S_F}\cdot C_c$$

Allowable shear stress the pin

$$τ_{all-S-pin}=\cfrac{0.4 \cdot S_{y-pin}}{S_F}\cdot C_c$$

Allowable bearing stress the pin

$$P_{all-B-pin}=\cfrac{0.9 \cdot S_{y-pin}}{S_F}\cdot C_c$$

Allowable shear stress the hub

$$τ_{all-S-hub}=\cfrac{0.4 \cdot S_{y-hub}}{S_F}\cdot C_c$$

Allowable bending stress the hub

$$σ_{all-B-hub}=\cfrac{0.6 \cdot S_{y-hub}}{S_F}\cdot C_c$$

Allowable bearing stress the hub

$$P_{all-B-hub}=\cfrac{0.9 \cdot S_{y-hub}}{S_F}\cdot C_c$$

Allowable axial stress the hub

$$σ_{all-A-hub}=\cfrac{0.45 \cdot S_{y-hub}}{S_F}\cdot C_c$$

Allowable combined stress the hub

$$σ_{all-C-hub}=\cfrac{S_{y-hub}}{S_F}\cdot C_c$$

Coefficient $ B_T $


Coefficient $ B_B $


Coefficient $ B_A $


Coefficient $ B_{1B-hub} $


Coefficient $ B_{2B-hub} $


Coefficient $ B_{3B-hub} $


Coefficient $ B_{4B-hub} $


Coefficient $ B_{B-hub} $


Coefficient $ B_{1A-hub} $


Coefficient $ B_{2A-hub} $


Coefficient $ B_{3A-hub} $


Coefficient $ B_{A-hub} $


Coefficient $ B_{1T-hub} $


Coefficient $ B_{2T-hub} $


Coefficient $ B_{3T-hub} $


Coefficient $ B_{4T-hub} $

$$B_{4T-hub}=-38.330+51.542\cdot \sqrt {\cfrac{D}{D_h}} -27.483\cdot\cfrac{D}{D_h}$$

Coefficient $ B_{T-hub} $


Shear stress in the pin

$$τ_{S-pin}=\cfrac{4\cdot 10^3\cdot M_T}{π\cdot d^2 \cdot D}+\cfrac{2\cdot F_A}{π\cdot d^2}$$

$$τ_{S-pin}\le τ_{all-S-pin}$$

Torsion stress in the shaft

$$τ_{T-shaft}=\cfrac{16\cdot 10^3 \cdot M_T\cdot B_T}{π \cdot D^3}$$

$$τ_{T-shaft}\le τ_{all-S-shaft}$$

Bending stress in the shaft

$$σ_{B-shaft}=\cfrac{32\cdot 10^3 \cdot M_B \cdot B_B}{π \cdot D^3}$$

$$σ_{B-shaft}\le σ_{all-B-shaft}$$

Shear stress in the shaft

$$τ_{S-shaft}=\cfrac{10^3 \cdot F_R}{\cfrac{π \cdot D^2}{4}-D \cdot d}$$

$$τ_{S-shaft}\le τ_{all-S-shaft}$$

Axial stress in the shaft

$$σ_{A-shaft}=\cfrac{4\cdot 10^3 \cdot F_A \cdot B_A}{π \cdot D^2}$$

$$σ_{A-shaft}\le σ_{all-A-shaft}$$

Combined stress in the shaft


$$σ_{tresca-shaft}\le σ_{all-C-shaft}$$

Torsion stress in the hub

$$τ_{T-hub}=\cfrac{16\cdot 10^3 \cdot M_T \cdot B_{T-hub}}{π\cdot\left(D_h^4-D^4\right)}\cdot D$$

$$τ_{T-hub}\le τ_{all-S-hub}$$

Bending stress in the hub

$$σ_{B-hub}=\cfrac{32\cdot 10^3 \cdot M_B \cdot D_h \cdot B_{B-hub}}{π \cdot \left(D_h^4-D^4\right)}$$

$$σ_{B-hub}\le σ_{all-B-hub}$$

Shear stress in the hub

$$τ_{S-hub}=\cfrac{10^3 \cdot F_R}{\cfrac{π \cdot \left(D_h^2-D^2\right)}{4}-\left(D_h-D\right)\cdot d}$$

$$τ_{S-hub}\le τ_{all-S-hub}$$

Axial stress in the hub

$$σ_{A-hub}=\cfrac{4\cdot 10^3 \cdot F_A \cdot B_{A-hub}}{π \cdot \left(D_h^2-D^2\right)}$$

$$σ_{A-hub}\le σ_{all-A-hub}$$

Combined stress in the hub


$$σ_{tresca-hub}\le σ_{all-C-hub}$$

Bearing stress in the pin and shaft

$$P_{B-pin-shaft}=\cfrac{6\cdot 10^3 \cdot M_T}{D^2\cdot d}+\cfrac{10^3 \cdot F_A}{D\cdot d}$$

$$P_{B-pin-shaft}\le \min\left(P_{all-B-shaft}, P_{all-B-pin}\right)$$

Bearing stress in the pin and hub

$$P_{B-pin-hub}=\cfrac{4\cdot 10^3 \cdot M_T}{d\cdot \left(D_h^2-D^2\right)}+\cfrac{10^3 \cdot F_A}{d\cdot \left(D_h-D\right)}$$

$$P_{B-pin-hub}\le \min\left(P_{all-B-hub}, P_{all-B-pin}\right)$$


$$ \cfrac{d}{D_h}\le 0.4 $$ $$ \cfrac{D}{D_h}\le 0.8 $$ $$ \cfrac{d}{D}\le 0.7 $$
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