
Pins connect flanges

Pins connect flanges d s 1 s 2 K 1 2
Pins connect flanges

Values for calculation

$M_T$ $\mathrm{Nm}$
$d$ $\mathrm{mm}$
$K$ $\mathrm{mm}$
$s_1$ $\mathrm{mm}$
$s_2$ $\mathrm{mm}$
$S_{y-pin}$ $\mathrm{MPa}$
$S_{y-flange-1}$ $\mathrm{MPa}$
$S_{y-flange-2}$ $\mathrm{MPa}$


Allowable shear stress the pin

$$τ_{all-S-pin}=\cfrac{0.4 \cdot S_{y-pin}}{S_F}\cdot C_c$$

Allowable bearing stress the pin

$$P_{all-B-pin}=\cfrac{0.9 \cdot S_{y-pin}}{S_F}\cdot C_c$$

Allowable shear stress the flange 1

$$τ_{all-S-flange-1}=\cfrac{0.4\cdot S_{y-flange-1}}{S_F}\cdot C_c$$

Allowable bearing stress the the flange 1

$$P_{all-B-flange-1}=\cfrac{0.9\cdot S_{y-flange-1}}{S_F}\cdot C_c$$

Allowable bearing stress the the flange 2

$$P_{all-B-flange-2}=\cfrac{0.9\cdot S_{y-flange-2}}{S_F}\cdot C_c$$

Shear stress in the pin

$$τ_{S-pin}=\cfrac{8\cdot 10^3\cdot M_T}{i\cdot π\cdot d^2\cdot K}$$

$$τ_{S-pin}\le τ_{all-S-pin}$$

Bearing stress in the pin and flange 1

$$P_{B-pin-flange-1}=\cfrac{2\cdot 10^3\cdot M_T}{i\cdot s_1\cdot d\cdot K}$$

$$P_{B-pin-flange-1}\le\min\left(P_{all-B-pin}, P_{all-B-flange-1}\right)$$

Bearing stress in the pin and flange 2

$$P_{B-pin-flange-2}=\cfrac{2\cdot 10^3\cdot M_T}{i\cdot s_2\cdot d\cdot K}$$

$$P_{B-pin-flange-2}\le\min\left(P_{all-B-pin}, P_{all-B-flange-2}\right)$$