
List of symbols

Symbol Name of the symbol Unit
$ $ trapezoidal thread $\mathrm{ }$
$D_1$ minor diameter for internal threads $\mathrm{mm}$
$D_4$ major diameter for internal threads $\mathrm{mm}$
$H_1$ height of the overlapping $\mathrm{mm}$
$H_4$ height of internal threads $\mathrm{mm}$
$P$ pitch $\mathrm{mm}$
$R_{1max}$ dimension $ R_{1max} $ $\mathrm{mm}$
$R_{2max}$ dimension $ R_{2max} $ $\mathrm{mm}$
$a_c$ clearance on the crest $\mathrm{mm}$
$d$ major diameter for external thread (nominal diameter) $\mathrm{mm}$
$d_2$ pitch diameter for external threads $\mathrm{mm}$
$d_3$ minor diameter for external threads $\mathrm{mm}$
$h_3$ height of external threads $\mathrm{mm}$
$z$ dimension $ z $ $\mathrm{mm}$