
Hydrodynamic calculation Needle valve closing flow against the direction of movement of the piston

Needle valve closing flow against the direction of movement of the piston D Q max -F +F 0.912 D 0.975 D 0.4D L
Needle valve closing flow against the direction of movement of the piston
needle-valve-2 0.133 D - 4 d 1 0.183 D - 8 d 1 0.26 D - 12 d 1 0.35 D - 16 d 1 0.45 D - 20 d 1 0.56 D - 24 d 1 0.666 D - 28 d 1 0.773 D - 32 d 1 0.975 D d 1 =0.03 D

Values for calculation

$D$ $\mathrm{mm}$
$Q_{max}$ $\mathrm{m^3/s}$
$H$ $\mathrm{m}$
$g$ $\mathrm{m/s^2}$
$T$ $\mathrm{°C}$
$ρ$ $\mathrm{kg/m^3}$
$P_{SV}$ $\mathrm{Pa}$
$ΔP$ $\mathrm{m}$
$h$ $\mathrm{m}$
$ρ_{air}$ $\mathrm{kg/m^3}$
$p_{air}$ $\mathrm{Pa}$
$t$ $\mathrm{s}$
$L$ $\mathrm{m}$


Velocity in valve

$$v_{max}=\cfrac{4\cdot 10^6\cdot Q_{max}}{π\cdot D^2}$$

Theoretical pressure in the valve at full opening

$$Δ_h=\cfrac{v_{max}^2}{2\cdot g}\cdot \left({\min\left(ζ\right)}+1\right)$$

Pressure parameter


$$0 < p \le 1$$

Effective closing time factor


$$c_{ef}\le 1$$

Under-pressure behind the valve

$$P_{u}=\max\left(-\cfrac{L\cdot v_{max}}{g\cdot t\cdot c_{ef}}, -\cfrac{p_{air}}{ρ\cdot g}\right)$$

Hydraulic profile of the needle valve

Stroke from open position
First stage of cavitation
Second stage of cavitation
Fully developed cavitation
$s$ $σ_1$ $σ_2$ $σ_{min}$
$\mathrm{\%}$ $\mathrm{ }$ $\mathrm{ }$ $\mathrm{ }$
No data

$σ_1 \mathrm{[-]}$
$σ_2 \mathrm{[-]}$
$σ_{min} \mathrm{[-]}$
No data
Stage of cavitation

Stroke from open position
Flow coefficient for $ σ_1 $
Flow coefficient for $ σ_2 $
Flow coefficient for $ σ_{min} $
$s$ $K_{Q-σ_1}$ $K_{Q-σ_2}$ $K_{Q-σ_{min}}$
$\mathrm{\%}$ $\mathrm{ }$ $\mathrm{ }$ $\mathrm{ }$
No data

$K_{Q-σ_1} \mathrm{[-]}$
$K_{Q-σ_2} \mathrm{[-]}$
$K_{Q-σ_{min}} \mathrm{[-]}$
No data
Flow coefficient for stages of cavitation

Stroke from open position
Coefficient of hydraulic force on a needle in the axis x for $ σ_1 $
Coefficient of hydraulic force on a needle in the axis x for $ σ_2 $
Coefficient of hydraulic force on a needle in the axis x for $ σ_{min} $
$s$ $K_{x-σ_1}$ $K_{x-σ_2}$ $K_{x-σ_{min}}$
$\mathrm{\%}$ $\mathrm{ }$ $\mathrm{ }$ $\mathrm{ }$
No data

$K_{x-σ_1} \mathrm{[-]}$
$K_{x-σ_2} \mathrm{[-]}$
$K_{x-σ_{min}} \mathrm{[-]}$
No data
Coefficient of hydraulic force on a needle in the axis x for stages of cavitation

Stroke from open position
Flow coefficient
Coefficient of hydraulic force on a needle in the axis x
$s$ $K_Q$ $K_x$
$\mathrm{\%}$ $\mathrm{ }$ $\mathrm{ }$
No data

$K_Q \mathrm{[-]}$
No data
Flow coefficient

$\text{if }\ σ> σ_1$
$\text{else if }\ σ> σ_2$

$K_x \mathrm{[-]}$
No data
Coefficient of hydraulic force on a needle in the axis x

$\text{if }\ σ> σ_1$
$\text{else if }\ σ> σ_2$
Stroke from open position
Loss coefficient
Reduced free flow area in the throttle control system
Relative flow
Flow of water in the pipeline
Water velocity in pipeline
$s$ $ζ$ $f_r$ $Q_p$ $Q$ $v$
$\mathrm{\%}$ $\mathrm{ }$ $\mathrm{ }$ $\mathrm{ }$ $\mathrm{m^3/s}$ $\mathrm{m/s}$
No data

$ζ \mathrm{[-]}$
No data
Loss coefficient


$f_r \mathrm{[-]}$
$Q_p \mathrm{[-]}$
No data

$$Q_p=\cfrac{f_r}{\sqrt{p+f_r^2\cdot \left(1-p\right)}}$$

$Q \mathrm{[m^3/s]}$
$v \mathrm{[m/s]}$
No data
Flow and speed of water in the pipeline

$$Q=Q_p\cdot Q_{max}$$
$$v=Q_p\cdot v_{max}$$
Stroke from open position
Loss of pressure on the valve
Pressure on the valve
Cavitation number
Forces on the needle
$s$ $H_L$ $H_v$ $σ$ $F_x$
$\mathrm{\%}$ $\mathrm{m}$ $\mathrm{m}$ $\mathrm{ }$ $\mathrm{kN}$
No data

$H_L \mathrm{[m]}$
$H_v \mathrm{[m]}$
No data
Loss of height on valve and pressure height on Needle valve

$$H_L=\cfrac{v^2}{2\cdot g}\cdot ζ$$
$$H_v=H_L+\cfrac{v^2}{2\cdot g}+\left(1-Q_p\right)\cdot\left(ΔP-P_{u}\right)$$

$σ \mathrm{[-]}$
No data
Cavitation number

$$σ=\cfrac{\cfrac{p_{air}-P_{SV}}{ρ\cdot g}+H-H_L}{H_v}$$

$F_x \mathrm{[kN]}$
No data
Forces on the needle

$$F_x=\cfrac{π\cdot D}{4\cdot 10^9}\cdot ρ\cdot g\cdot H_v\cdot K_x$$