
The flow characteristic (hydraulic cylinder)

The flow characteristic (hydraulic cylinder) r a b β α r a b β T L S S a 2 a 1 γ δ α
The flow characteristic (hydraulic cylinder)

Values for calculation

$ α $ $ \mathrm{°} $
$ β $ $ \mathrm{°} $
$ r $ $ \mathrm{mm} $
$ a $ $ \mathrm{mm} $
$ b $ $ \mathrm{mm} $
$ L_d $ $ \mathrm{\%} $
$ T_c $ $ \mathrm{s} $
$ T_d $ $ \mathrm{s} $
$ K_{Q-valve} $




Distance between the axis of rotation of the valve and the axis of the hydraulic cylinder



$$ α\geq\tan^{-1}{\cfrac{b}{a}}\cdot\cfrac{180}{π} $$ $$ β\le\tan^{-1}{\cfrac{b}{a}}\cdot\cfrac{180}{π}+180-α $$ $$ 0.8\cdot T_c\geq T_d $$
Stroke from open position
The distance between the axis of the hydraulic cylinder and the axis of the eye of the hydraulic cylinder
Height $ T $
The angle between the axis of the hydraulic cylinder and the imaginary line between the axis of the closure and the pivot axis of the hydraulic cylinder
$ s $ $ S_S $ $ T $ $ γ $
$ \mathrm{\%} $ $ \mathrm{mm} $ $ \mathrm{mm} $ $ \mathrm{°} $
No data

$ S_S\ [\mathrm{mm}] $
No data
$ s\ [\mathrm{\%}] $
The distance between the axis of the hydraulic cylinder and the axis of the eye of the hydraulic cylinder

$$S_S=S_{max}-\cfrac{S_{max}}{100}\cdot s+\sqrt{\left(b-r\cdot\sin{\left(α\right)}\right)^2+\left(a-r\cdot\cos{\left(α\right)}\right)^2}$$

$ T\ [\mathrm{mm}] $
No data
$ s\ [\mathrm{\%}] $
Height $ T $

$$T=\sqrt{S_S^2-\left(\cfrac{L^2-r^2+S_S^2}{2\cdot L}\right)^2}$$

$ γ\ [\mathrm{°}] $
No data
$ s\ [\mathrm{\%}] $
The angle between the axis of the hydraulic cylinder and the imaginary line between the axis of the closure and the pivot axis of the hydraulic cylinder

Stroke from open position
Length $ a_2 $
Length $ a_1 $
The angle between the lever axis and the imaginary line between the valve axis and the pivot axis of the hydraulic cylinder
Angle rotation of the rocking motion
$ s $ $ a_2 $ $ a_1 $ $ δ $ $ β_S $
$ \mathrm{\%} $ $ \mathrm{mm} $ $ \mathrm{mm} $ $ \mathrm{°} $ $ \mathrm{°} $
No data

$ a_2\ [\mathrm{mm}] $
No data
$ s\ [\mathrm{\%}] $
Length $ a_2 $


$ a_1\ [\mathrm{mm}] $
No data
$ s\ [\mathrm{\%}] $
Length $ a_1 $


$ δ\ [\mathrm{°}] $
No data
$ s\ [\mathrm{\%}] $
The angle between the lever axis and the imaginary line between the valve axis and the pivot axis of the hydraulic cylinder

$\text{if }\ a_1\le0$

$ β_S\ [\mathrm{°}] $
No data
$ s\ [\mathrm{\%}] $
Angle rotation of the rocking motion

Stroke from open position
Flow coefficient $ K_{Q-valve} $
Flow coefficient $ K_{Q-hydraulic-cylinder} $
$ s $ $ K_{Q-valve} $ $ K_{Q-hydraulic-cylinder} $
$ \mathrm{\%} $ $ \mathrm{\ } $ $ \mathrm{\ } $
No data

$ K_{Q-valve}\ [-] $
No data
$ s\ [\mathrm{\%}] $
Flow coefficient $ K_{Q-valve} $

$ K_{Q-hydraulic-cylinder}\ [-] $
No data
$ s\ [\mathrm{\%}] $
Flow coefficient $ K_{Q-hydraulic-cylinder} $

$\text{if }\ s=0$
$\text{else if }\ s=100$
$$K_{Q-hydraulic-cylinder}=K_{Q-valve}-\cfrac{K_{Q-valve}-K_{Q-valve}[i+1]}{β/10}\cdot\left(β_S-\cfrac{β}{100}\cdot s\right)$$
Time value
Percentage of hydraulic cylinder stroke at a given time
Flow coefficient
$ T_s $ $ S_T $ $ K_Q $
$ \mathrm{s} $ $ \mathrm{\%} $ $ \mathrm{\ } $
No data

$ S_T\ [\mathrm{\%}] $
No data
$ T_s\ [\mathrm{s}] $
Percentage of hydraulic cylinder stroke at a given time

$\text{if }\ T_s<\left(T_c-T_d\right)$
$$S_T=\cfrac{100-L_d}{T_c-T_d}\cdot T_s$$

$ K_Q\ [-] $
No data
$ T_s\ [\mathrm{s}] $
Flow coefficient

$\text{if }\ s=0$
$\text{else if }\ s=100$