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Calculation of closing safety Butterfly valve

Hydraulic cylinder r a b α φ a b α T L S S γ φ r L HC
Hydraulic cylinder
Centre of gravity of the weight L c α c
Centre of gravity of the weight

Values for calculation

$ a $ $ \mathrm{mm} $
$ b $ $ \mathrm{mm} $
$ r $ $ \mathrm{mm} $
$ φ $ $ \mathrm{°} $
$ W_W $ $ \mathrm{kg} $
$ W_D $ $ \mathrm{kg} $
$ W_L $ $ \mathrm{kg} $
$ L_c $ $ \mathrm{mm} $
$ α_c $ $ \mathrm{°} $
$ P_{L-HC} $ $ \mathrm{MPa} $
$ D_{HC} $ $ \mathrm{mm} $
$ μ_B $
$ r_T $ $ \mathrm{mm} $
$ f_B $
$ e_S $ $ \mathrm{mm} $
$ P_S $ $ \mathrm{MPa} $
$ μ_S $


Distance between the axis of rotation of the valve and the axis of the hydraulic cylinder


Friction torque in main sealing

$$M_S=D_s^2\cdot e_S\cdot μ_S\cdot P_S\cdot 10^{-6}$$
Angle from open position
Forces on disc
Hydraulic torque
$ α $ $ F $ $ M_H $
$ \mathrm{°} $ $ \mathrm{kN} $ $ \mathrm{kNm} $
No data

$ F\ [\mathrm{kN}] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
Forces on disc


$ M_H\ [\mathrm{kNm}] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
Hydraulic torque

Angle from open position
The distance between the axis of the hydraulic cylinder and the axis of the eye of the hydraulic cylinder
Height $ T $
The angle between the axis of the hydraulic cylinder and the imaginary line between the axis of the closure and the pivot axis of the hydraulic cylinder
Distance between the axis of hydraulic cylinder and the axis of valve rotation
$ α $ $ S_S $ $ T $ $ γ $ $ L_{HC} $
$ \mathrm{°} $ $ \mathrm{mm} $ $ \mathrm{mm} $ $ \mathrm{°} $ $ \mathrm{mm} $
No data

$ S_S\ [\mathrm{mm}] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
The distance between the axis of the hydraulic cylinder and the axis of the eye of the hydraulic cylinder


$ T\ [\mathrm{mm}] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
Height $ T $

$$T=\sqrt{S_S^2-\left(\cfrac{L^2-r^2+S_S^2}{2\cdot L}\right)^2}$$

$ γ\ [\mathrm{°}] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
The angle between the axis of the hydraulic cylinder and the imaginary line between the axis of the closure and the pivot axis of the hydraulic cylinder


$ L_{HC}\ [\mathrm{mm}] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
Distance between the axis of hydraulic cylinder and the axis of valve rotation

Angle from open position
Static torque
Friction torque from the hydraulic cylinder
Force to the hydraulic cylinder during the closing at flow rate without frictional resistances
Force to the hydraulic cylinder during the closing without flow rate without frictional resistances
Pressure of oil under the hydraulic cylinder piston during the closing at flow rate without frictional resistances
Pressure of oil under the hydraulic cylinder piston during the closing without flow rate without frictional resistances
$ α $ $ M_W $ $ M_{F-HC} $ $ F_{HC-flow} $ $ F_{HC} $ $ P_{HC-flow} $ $ P_{HC} $
$ \mathrm{°} $ $ \mathrm{kNm} $ $ \mathrm{kNm} $ $ \mathrm{kN} $ $ \mathrm{kN} $ $ \mathrm{MPa} $ $ \mathrm{MPa} $
No data

$ M_W\ [\mathrm{kNm}] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
Static torque

$$M_W=\left(W_W+W_D+W_L\right)\cdot g\cdot L_c\cdot\sin{\left(α_c-α\right)}\cdot 10^{-6}$$

$ M_{F-HC}\ [\mathrm{kNm}] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
Friction torque from the hydraulic cylinder

$$M_{F-HC}=P_{L-HC}\cdot\cfrac{π\cdot D_{HC}^2}{4}\cdot L_{HC}\cdot 10^{-6}$$

$ F_{HC-flow}\ [\mathrm{kN}] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
Force to the hydraulic cylinder during the closing at flow rate without frictional resistances

$$F_{HC-flow}=\cfrac{M_H+M_W}{L_{HC}}\cdot 10^3$$

$ F_{HC}\ [\mathrm{kN}] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
Force to the hydraulic cylinder during the closing without flow rate without frictional resistances

$$F_{HC}=\cfrac{M_W}{L_{HC}}\cdot 10^3$$

$ P_{HC-flow}\ [\mathrm{MPa}] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
Pressure of oil under the hydraulic cylinder piston during the closing at flow rate without frictional resistances

$$P_{HC-flow}=\cfrac{4\cdot F_{HC-flow}\cdot 10^3}{π\cdot D_{HC}^2}$$

$ P_{HC}\ [\mathrm{MPa}] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
Pressure of oil under the hydraulic cylinder piston during the closing without flow rate without frictional resistances

$$P_{HC}=\cfrac{4\cdot F_{HC}\cdot 10^3}{π\cdot D_{HC}^2}$$
Angle from open position
Friction torque bearing during the closing at flow rate
Friction torque bearing during the closing without flow rate
Force to the hydraulic cylinder during the closing at flow rate with frictional resistances
Force to the hydraulic cylinder during the closing without flow rate with frictional resistances
$ α $ $ M_{B-flow} $ $ M_B $ $ F_{HC-flow-with-frictional} $ $ F_{HC-with-frictional} $
$ \mathrm{°} $ $ \mathrm{kNm} $ $ \mathrm{kNm} $ $ \mathrm{kN} $ $ \mathrm{kN} $
No data

$ M_{B-flow}\ [\mathrm{kNm}] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
Friction torque bearing during the closing at flow rate

$$M_{B-flow}=\left(F+F_{HC-flow}+\left(W_W+W_D+W_L\right)\cdot g\cdot 10^{-3}\right)\cdot μ_B\cdot f_B\cdot r_T\cdot 10^{-3}$$

$ M_B\ [\mathrm{kNm}] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
Friction torque bearing during the closing without flow rate

$$M_B=\left(F_{HC}+\left(W_W+W_D+W_L\right)\cdot g\cdot 10^{-3}\right)\cdot μ_B\cdot f_B\cdot r_T\cdot 10^{-3}$$

$ F_{HC-flow-with-frictional}\ [\mathrm{kN}] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
Force to the hydraulic cylinder during the closing at flow rate with frictional resistances

$\text{if }\ α= 90$
$$F_{HC-flow-with-frictional}=\cfrac{M_H+M_W-M_{B-flow}-M_{F-HC}-M_S}{L_{HC}}\cdot 10^3$$
$$F_{HC-flow-with-frictional}=\cfrac{M_H+M_W-M_{B-flow}-M_{F-HC}}{L_{HC}}\cdot 10^3$$

$ F_{HC-with-frictional}\ [\mathrm{kN}] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
Force to the hydraulic cylinder during the closing without flow rate with frictional resistances

$\text{if }\ α= 90$
$$F_{HC-with-frictional}=\cfrac{M_W-M_B-M_{F-HC}-M_S}{L_{HC}}\cdot 10^3$$
$$F_{HC-with-frictional}=\cfrac{M_W-M_B-M_{F-HC}}{L_{HC}}\cdot 10^3$$
Angle from open position
Pressure of oil under the hydraulic cylinder piston during the closing at flow rate with frictional resistances
Pressure of oil under the hydraulic cylinder piston during the closing without flow rate with frictional resistances
Safety factor during the closing at flow rate
Safety factor during the closing without flow rate
$ α $ $ P_{HC-flow-with-frictional} $ $ P_{HC-with-frictional} $ $ S_{f-flow} $ $ S_f $
$ \mathrm{°} $ $ \mathrm{MPa} $ $ \mathrm{MPa} $ $ \mathrm{\ } $ $ \mathrm{\ } $
No data

$ P_{HC-flow-with-frictional}\ [\mathrm{MPa}] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
Pressure of oil under the hydraulic cylinder piston during the closing at flow rate with frictional resistances

$$P_{HC-flow-with-frictional}=\cfrac{4\cdot F_{HC-flow-with-frictional}\cdot 10^3}{π\cdot D_{HC}^2}$$

$ P_{HC-with-frictional}\ [\mathrm{MPa}] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
Pressure of oil under the hydraulic cylinder piston during the closing without flow rate with frictional resistances

$$P_{HC-with-frictional}=\cfrac{4\cdot F_{HC-with-frictional}\cdot 10^3}{π\cdot D_{HC}^2}$$

$ S_{f-flow}\ [-] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
Safety factor during the closing at flow rate

$\text{if }\ α= 90$

$ S_f\ [-] $
No data
$ α\ [\mathrm{°}] $
Safety factor during the closing without flow rate

$\text{if }\ α= 90$
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