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Torsion of a bar of circular cross section with a transverse hole

Torsion of a bar of circular cross section with a transverse hole D d σ max T T
Torsion of a bar of circular cross section with a transverse hole
<img src="https://eng-calculations.com/SVG/Peterson(and39)s_Stress_Concentration_Factors/Holes/Torsion of a bar of circular cross section with a transverse hole.svg" alt="Torsion_of_a_bar_of_circular_cross_section_with_a_transverse_hole" title="Torsion_of_a_bar_of_circular_cross_section_with_a_transverse_hole">
https://eng-calculations.com/SVG/Peterson(and39)s_Stress_Concentration_Factors/Holes/Torsion of a bar of circular cross section with a transverse hole.svg