
List of symbols

Symbol Name of the symbol Unit
$ $ nominal length per tonne $\mathrm{m}$
$A$ cross-sectional area $\mathrm{cm^2}$
$A_s$ superficial area per metre length $\mathrm{m^2/m}$
$B$ specified side dimension $ B $ $\mathrm{mm}$
$C_t$ torsional modulus constant $\mathrm{cm^3}$
$D$ specified outside diameter $\mathrm{mm}$
$H$ specified side dimension $ H $ $\mathrm{mm}$
$I$ second moment of area $\mathrm{cm^4}$
$I_t$ torsional inertia constant $\mathrm{cm^4}$
$I_{yy}$ second moment of area $ I_{yy} $ $\mathrm{cm^4}$
$I_{zz}$ second moment of area $ I_{zz} $ $\mathrm{cm^4}$
$M$ mass per unit length $\mathrm{kg/m}$
$T$ specified thickness $\mathrm{mm}$
$W_{elyy}$ elastic section modulus $ W_{elyy} $ $\mathrm{cm^3}$
$W_{elzz}$ elastic section modulus $ W_{elzz} $ $\mathrm{cm^3}$
$W_{el}$ elastic section modulus $\mathrm{cm^3}$
$W_{plyy}$ plastic section modulus $ W_{plyy} $ $\mathrm{cm^3}$
$W_{plzz}$ plastic section modulus $ W_{plzz} $ $\mathrm{cm^3}$
$W_{pl}$ plastic section modulus $\mathrm{cm^3}$
$i$ radius of gyration $\mathrm{cm}$
$i_{yy}$ radius of gyration $ i_{yy} $ $\mathrm{cm}$
$i_{zz}$ radius of gyration $ i_{zz} $ $\mathrm{cm}$