INSERT INTO `Table` (`specified side dimension H , in mm`, `specified side dimension B , in mm`, `specified thickness T , in mm`, `mass per unit length M , in kg/m`, `cross-sectional area A , in cm^2`, `second moment of area I_yy , in cm^4`, `second moment of area I_zz , in cm^4`, `radius of gyration i_yy , in cm`, `radius of gyration i_zz , in cm`, `elastic section modulus W_elyy , in cm^3`, `elastic section modulus W_elzz , in cm^3`, `plastic section modulus W_plyy , in cm^3`, `plastic section modulus W_plzz , in cm^3`, `torsional inertia constant I_t , in cm^4`, `torsional modulus constant C_t , in cm^3`, `superficial area per metre length A_s , in m^2/m`, `nominal length per tonne, in m`) VALUES (120, 60, 3.2, 6.85, 8.7, 123, 41.4, 3.76, 2.18, 20.5, 13.8, 28.7, 17.6, 124, 30.8, 0.291, 146), (120, 60, 4.0, 8.48, 10.8, 150, 49.9, 3.73, 2.15, 25.1, 16.6, 35.3, 21.5, 150, 36.9, 0.291, 118), (120, 60, 5.0, 10.5, 13.4, 182, 59.7, 3.69, 2.12, 30.4, 19.9, 43.2, 26.2, 180, 43.9, 0.291, 95.4), (120, 60, 6.0, 12.4, 15.8, 212, 68.6, 3.66, 2.08, 35.4, 22.9, 50.7, 30.5, 208, 50.1, 0.291, 80.5), (150, 75, 4.0, 10.7, 13.6, 301, 101, 4.70, 2.72, 40.1, 26.9, 56.1, 34.4, 303, 60.1, 0.364, 93.4), (150, 75, 5.0, 13.3, 16.9, 367, 122, 4.66, 2.69, 48.9, 32.5, 68.9, 42.0, 367, 72.2, 0.364, 75.4), (150, 75, 6.0, 15.8, 20.1, 430, 141, 4.63, 2.65, 57.3, 37.7, 81.3, 49.3, 426, 83.2, 0.364, 63.5), (150, 75, 6.3, 16.5, 21.0, 448, 147, 4.62, 2.64, 59.7, 39.1, 84.9, 51.5, 443, 86.3, 0.364, 60.6), (150, 75, 8.0, 20.6, 26.3, 546, 176, 4.56, 2.59, 72.8, 46.8, 105, 62.9, 533, 102, 0.364, 48.5), (150, 75, 10.0, 25.3, 32.2, 649, 204, 4.49, 2.52, 86.6, 54.5, 126, 75.1, 625, 118, 0.364, 39.6), (180, 90, 6.0, 19.1, 24.3, 761, 253, 5.59, 3.22, 84.6, 56.2, 119, 72.6, 760, 125, 0.436, 52.4), (180, 90, 8.0, 25.1, 31.9, 974, 318, 5.52, 3.16, 108, 70.6, 154, 93.3, 961, 155, 0.436, 39.9), (180, 90, 10.0, 30.8, 39.3, 1169, 375, 5.46, 3.09, 130, 83.3, 187, 112, 1139, 182, 0.436, 32.4), (200, 100, 6.3, 22.3, 28.4, 1103, 368, 6.23, 3.60, 110, 73.5, 155, 94.7, 1105, 163, 0.485, 44.8), (200, 100, 8.0, 28.0, 35.7, 1358, 446, 6.17, 3.54, 136, 89.3, 193, 117, 1347, 197, 0.485, 35.7), (200, 100, 10.0, 34.5, 44.0, 1637, 529, 6.10, 3.47, 164, 106, 235, 141, 1605, 232, 0.485, 29.0), (200, 100, 12.5, 42.4, 54.0, 1954, 619, 6.02, 3.39, 195, 124, 284, 169, 1889, 269, 0.485, 23.6), (220, 110, 6.0, 23.5, 30.0, 1421, 476, 6.88, 3.99, 129, 86.6, 181, 111, 1429, 193, 0.533, 42.5), (220, 110, 8.0, 31.0, 39.5, 1832, 606, 6.81, 3.92, 167, 110, 235, 143, 1824, 244, 0.533, 32.3), (220, 110, 10.0, 38.2, 48.7, 2215, 722, 6.74, 3.85, 201, 131, 287, 174, 2183, 288, 0.533, 26.2), (250, 125, 6.0, 26.9, 34.2, 2109, 711, 7.85, 4.56, 169, 114, 235, 144.5, 2130, 254.5, 0.606, 37.2), (250, 125, 6.3, 28.2, 35.9, 2205, 742, 7.84, 4.55, 176, 119, 246, 151, 2224, 265, 0.606, 35.5), (250, 125, 8.0, 35.4, 45.1, 2732, 909, 7.78, 4.49, 219, 145, 307, 188, 2734, 323, 0.606, 28.2), (250, 125, 10.0, 43.8, 55.8, 3316, 1090, 7.71, 4.42, 265, 174, 376, 228, 3288, 385, 0.606, 22.8), (250, 125, 12.0, 51.9, 66.2, 3864, 1254, 7.64, 4.35, 309, 201, 442, 267, 3798, 440, 0.606, 19.3), (250, 125, 12.5, 53.9, 68.7, 3996, 1292, 7.63, 4.34, 320, 207, 458, 276, 3918, 453, 0.606, 18.5), (320, 160, 8.0, 45.8, 58.3, 5877, 1978, 10.0, 5.82, 367, 247, 513, 315, 5928, 553, 0.776, 21.8), (320, 160, 10.0, 56.7, 72.3, 7181, 2393, 9.97, 5.75, 449, 299, 631, 385, 7192, 665, 0.776, 17.6), (320, 160, 12.0, 67.5, 86.0, 8422, 2779, 9.90, 5.69, 526, 347, 745, 453, 8375, 769, 0.776, 14.8), (400, 200, 8.0, 57.6, 73.4, 11690, 3966, 12.6, 7.35, 584, 397, 811, 500, 11860, 890, 0.969, 17.4), (400, 200, 10.0, 71.5, 91.1, 14340, 4829, 12.5, 7.28, 717, 483, 1001, 615, 14470, 1079, 0.969, 14.0), (400, 200, 12.0, 85.2, 109, 16910, 5646, 12.5, 7.21, 845, 565, 1186, 726, 16960, 1257, 0.969, 11.7), (400, 200, 12.5, 88.6, 113, 17530, 5843, 12.5, 7.19, 877, 584, 1232, 753, 17560, 1299, 0.969, 11.3), (480, 240, 10.0, 86.3, 110, 25170, 8529, 15.1, 8.81, 1049, 711, 1457, 897, 25510, 1594, 1.16, 11.6), (480, 240, 12.0, 103, 131, 29750, 10010, 15.1, 8.74, 1240, 835, 1730, 1062, 30010, 1865, 1.16, 9.71)